What to Pack in Your Child’s Soccer Bag?
Soccer season is right around the corner, and its time to get your kids bag together. Here are six things every soccer player needs in their bag this season.
Staying hydrated is important when playing any type of sport. Getting your kids to drink their water can be a challenge. Try adding flavor packs they will enjoy, to help get them excited about drinking their water. Having more than one water bottle is always a good idea. You never want to run out of water on a hot day.
2. Snacks
Everyone gets a little snacky after playing on the field all day. Make sure to pack healthy and delicious snacks to fuel your player after a long practice, game, or scrimmage.
3. Extra Socks, Shorts, Jerseys, Shoes, and Shin Guards
It’s always a good idea to keep some extra socks, shorts, jerseys, and shin guards in your child’s soccer bag. You never know when you might need them. Have an extra pair of shoes your child to change into after a game, with also help preserve the bottom of their cleats.
4. Strikesol Heat Sheild Inserts
Every year, thousands of kids come home with blisters, burns, and peeling skin on their feet, after a long soccer game on hot turf. BluSol Heat Shield Inserts protect your child’s feet from burns, blister, and peeling skin on their feet, but protecting their feet from the burning turf. BluSol Inserts can reduce hot turf temperatures by an average of 32 degrees!
5. Cleats
No parent wants to forget their child’s cleats. Try to get your child in the habit of putting their cleats back into their bag after every game. This is another reason why it is a good idea to keep extra shoes in their bag for them to change into.
6. Sunscreen
Sunscreen is super important when kids are playing in the sun all day. Make sure to have extra sunscreen, because this is something you never want to run out of.
Hopefully, this helps you pack your child’s soccer bag and be prepared for their new season. Now that you have the essentials packed and ready to go, you are all set to sit back, relax, and enjoy the game! Don’t forget to pack yourself a little bag with some snacks, sunscreen, and water too!