Neuropathy is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide and causes debilitating pain and discomfort in the feet. When searching for relief, finding the right insoles for neuropathy is one way to help significantly lessen symptoms and improve quality of life.
Before deciding on which insoles for neuropathy are right for you and how quality insoles can help provide much-needed relief, let’s dig into what neuropathy is, what causes it, and the different types and symptoms.
What Is Neuropathy?
Neuropathy (aka peripheral neuropathy) refers to a condition in which the peripheral nerves are damaged. This is troubling as these nerves transmit the signals from the brain through the rest of the body. And if damaged, it can lead to complications, some of which are quite serious. Peripheral neuropathy affects the feet, legs, hands, and arms. Other types of neuropathy, like autonomic, proximal, and focal, impact different parts of the body, such as the autonomic nervous system, thighs, hips, and butt, or specific nerves.
What causes this condition? There are several factors, including diabetes. This is one of the most common causes and is due to prolonged high blood sugar levels. Infections and other diseases, such as Lyme disease, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune diseases, can also lead to nerve damage. In addition, physical injuries that affect the nerves can lead to this condition. Other causes include genetic disorders, toxins, and some medications.
Symptoms of neuropathy include numbness or tingling, often starting in the hands or feet and spreading upward. It can also cause burning pain sensations that can be severe and long-lasting. It can also lead to weakness and potentially paralysis of affected muscles and difficulty with balance and coordination.
For people with neuropathy, it’s important to regularly inspect the feet for any signs of injury, blisters, or sores, as neuropathy can reduce sensation. So you may not notice issues. Keep the feet clean and dry, and use this time to look at your feet closely.
It can also help to moisturize your feet daily to prevent dry, cracked skin, which can open up the risk of infection. Choose a non-irritating, hypoallergenic lotion and apply it over the entire foot, including between the toes, to prevent fungal infections. If your feet are prone to sweating, you may want to try foot powders to absorb excess moisture.
Getting Relief from Neuropathy
Managing neuropathy takes a multifaceted approach that may include medications, such as pain relievers, physical or occupational therapy to work on improving strength and coordination, and lifestyle changes, like addressing the diet, a consistent exercise program, and a smoking cessation plan to not only reduce symptoms but improve overall health.
In addition to making lifestyle changes, some people find quality footwear and insoles crucial. Quality footwear can provide cushioning and support to reduce pressure on the feet, which may alleviate pain. Insoles that minimize impact on the feet while walking, standing, working, or exercising can help prevent further nerve damage.
Finally, insoles that protect the feet from extreme temperatures, like Strikesol inserts, can be beneficial. You see, neuropathy can make the feet significantly more sensitive to temperature changes, and Strikesol inserts help maintain a comfortable foot environment without crowding the feet.
In addition to the right insoles, choosing footwear that accommodates the unique needs of people who suffer from neuropathy can significantly reduce discomfort and prevent further complications.
For example, look for shoes that have a wider toe box so your feet have ample room. This helps reduce pressure points and allows for better circulation. Shoes with extra depth are also beneficial as they can comfortably accommodate insoles without crowing the feet.
Additionally, consider choosing footwear with soft, seamless interiors, which can prevent irritation and blisters that can be a particular issue for people with reduced foot sensation. Shoes designed with adjustable closures (e.g., laces or Velcro) allow you to customize the fit of your shoe. This can help secure the foot and prevent slipping.
Finally, choosing shoes that provide good cushioning and shock absorption in the sole can help minimize the impact on your feet, further protecting the sensitive nerves and providing much-appreciated comfort. Wearing socks with your shoes can also help reduce friction and, again, help protect the feet.
What to Look for in Insoles for Neuropathy
When choosing the best insoles for neuropathy, several features can be beneficial, including:
- Arch support to help distribute weight evenly across the feet
- Cushioning, which reduces pressure points for greater comfort
- Fit and comfort, ensuring the insoles don’t crowd the feet or increase pain or pressure on the foot
- Temperature regulation to keep the feet comfortable.
Are Insoles Effective for Neuropathy?
While insoles can’t cure neuropathy, they may significantly reduce symptoms and improve foot comfort and health. Strikesols (formerly known as Blusols) may be particularly effective due to their unique design. In addition to providing support and cushioning with a slim design for unhindered performance, they offer protection against extreme temperatures. So, they’re an excellent choice for people who may suffer from neuropathy or other conditions that make the feet sensitive.
Remember, however, that it’s always essential to work closely with your healthcare provider to manage neuropathy effectively and ensure you’re taking the best steps (no pun intended) to care for your feet. They can help tailor a treatment plan that includes the appropriate therapies, lifestyle changes, and medications. Incorporating healthy habits, such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding toxins, may also help manage symptoms and help prevent further damage. Elevating the feet whenever possible may also help improve circulation, as can regular, gentle foot exercises to maintain mobility and strength in the feet.
Neuropathy can be a challenging condition. Fortunately, with the right care and tools, such as quality insoles for neuropathy, you can better manage symptoms to improve your overall quality of life.