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Keep it Up During the Off-Season

By Athletes, Uncategorized No Comments

Everyone knows that a break can be nice. But if you want to come back for the season ready to go it is important to take advantage of your offseason. 

Improve Your Technical Skills 

No matter what your sport is it is important to keep training during the offseason. This is the perfect time to work on new skills that you have not had time to master before. Even though you might not be playing all the time, it is important to put those cleats back on and pick up the lacrosse stick, soccer ball, or whatever your sport may be- that way you won’t lose touch of the essential skills. 

Work to be Elite 

When weight training or conditioning, it is important to maintain some level of strength. If you completely stop working out you will be at a much greater risk of injury when the season starts. It is okay if you want to go a little lighter, but it is best not to stop altogether. If you are somewhere with intense winters and you cannot usually train outside like you prefer Strikesol Inserts have cold protection too so you can train anytime, anywhere. Do not let the colder months stop you from doing what you love, get out there and get stronger. 

Stay Hydrated 

Don’t forget you need to maintain certain physical needs all year long. It is even easier to get dehydrated during the winter months because of the colder weather. Remember to fuel your body with lots of water! 

Don’t Quit the Mental Game 

The best part about the offseason is the extra free time. Use this time to heal your bodies and remind yourself why you love your sport. It is important to improve your skills but remember why you play the game you love. Use this time to set realistic goals for your upcoming season and reward yourself for the goals you have accomplished. Maintain your competitive edge by keeping a positive attitude! 

Keeping Your Feet Healthy

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You have the Strikesol insert to keep your feet cool on the hot turf, but what about general health for your soles? 

Clean and Dry

This one is very important, be sure to always scrub your feet, and thoroughly dry them to prevent and unwanted fungus growth! If your shoes get wet, make sure to properly and completely dry them before using the shoes again.

To avoid overheating wear breathable shoes, socks and use a HeatSheid Insert. 

Avoid Sharing Footgear

Wearing shoes other people have worn can cause infections in your feet, this includes rentals. Be cautious of sharing, and never wear other footwear without socks or protection on your feet.

Wear the right socks for the right situation

Different socks can have benefits for different situations. Some have more moisture-wicking properties, and others keep your feet warm in cold environments.  Socks made from synthetic fibers generally wick more moisture than those of cotton or wool.  

Proper Shoes

Wearing the proper shoes will do miles for the overall health of your feet. You always want something with the proper arch support, for general walking. For hiking, you’ll want to protect your ankles. Also as a general rule, flip flops are not a good choice for shoe, as it provides little protection and arch support. Shoes should fit, with just enough room for your toes to move around. 

Be mindful of any problems

Any unusual itch, smell or feeling in your feet could be a sign of a more complicated problem. Always visit a doctor for these issues to keep your feet healthy and ready for the next day!

What Makes BluSol Great

What Makes BluSol Great

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BluSol is a lot more than just an insole. There is a lot of history that goes into it and for those of you that don’t know, this will be a great opportunity to share. What will be shared today is not only what we are today but what humble beginnings we came from. To really understand someone you want to know about their upbringing, their interests, and why they do what they do.

Our History

The founder of BluSol is Rob Becerra. In 2008 while coaching at Stanford University he became the Director of Coaching of the Palo Alto Soccer Club. The club trained and played most of the games on turf fields. When it was hot outside the turf would heat up and he noticed players walking on their tippy-toes, heels, standing on one leg and pouring water on their feet. The water only complicated the issue because now the players’ feet were hot and the water on sweaty feet led to blisters. Years later he had children play soccer and they had the same issue. He wanted to protect his children’s feet. This was the motivation needed to find a solution. Rob began to use different materials with a crockpot to test the temperature. With motivation backed by his family, he developed BluSol into what we can all see today.

What We Are Today

Because of our history, we have always been a family business. Rob is fired up to say that the BluSol Heat Shield Insert works. It helps prevent feet from burning. The results vary based on the outside temperature, the temperature of the surface and the type of footwear you are wearing. However, the BluSol Heat Shield Insert helps prevent your feet from burning. It was originally designed for athletes and cleats, but now it can be used in a huge variety of ways. These insoles can and will help everyone not burn their feet. 

This product and this company will help people, families, and kids. Rob was motivated as a coach and a father to help his kids feel better and play better which later became a company to fill a need. If you have questions please feel free to read more of the story here, and contact us well. We want to help you control the heat inside your feet.

Cleats in Sports

Cleats in Sports

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For the longest time pioneers have looked for ways to get an edge on the competition. They develop new ways to improve their craft and improve their results. One of the biggest developments in sports are the cleats. Cleats have improved the level of play immensely. The durable little studs on the bottom provide athletes with additional grip and rapid directional change. There are different designs for cleats in sports and even some other activities. In some shoes, the studs are often removable.

In football, cleats are specially designed to help you make cuts to avoid or make tackles easier. It also helps to protect your feet and legs as with regular shoes you would just slip. Shoes and cleats are often more important than just functionality. It becomes a big fashion statement as well. In the NFL, what cleats you wear are monitored and sometimes players get fined for what they advertise. The NFL is now pushing the My Cause My Cleats campaign. What better way to help people become aware then to advertise with your uniform.

In soccer, cleats are the most versatile of all. These cleats often use in other sports because they are lighter and tighter. Soccer cleats have shorter studs on the bottom to help with running and agility. In baseball, cleats have a little better design because they don’t have to worry about injuring others. Baseball cleats will even have the metal studs. A major concern is not only the protection of the athlete wearing the cleats but the athletes around as well.

In little league sports, cleats are not as big of a deal as other equipment. Comfortable shoes are almost always more important because the concern isn’t just a kids performance. When you get to professional sports, it’s a huge deal. Athletes can make it or break it based on fractions of seconds. Track Cleats show this more than any of the rest. 

Cleats provide a competitive advantage. BluSol Insoles can improve these shoes even more. Cleats are often uncomfortable but BluSol helps you achieve peak performance. Find the shoe that works for you and we can help to make it better.

It’s Still Hot in August

By Athletes No Comments

It’s Still Hot in August

It’s time for football! Many Americans have been waiting since February for it to return but it’s still hot outside! Athletes are training as we speak and getting ready for week one. Here are three ideas to fight the heat.


One of the most important things our body needs is water. Our body uses sweat to keep us cool but we need to replenish that water. Our body uses over a liter an hour of water to stay cool. If athletes don’t stay hydrated they won’t perform well and will struggle to stay cool.

Idea 2: Turning up the Heat!

Yeah, you heard me right. Professional athletes use high temp workouts to get used to the weather. This doesn’t sound fun at all but on the field, you can be ready for any temperature. A word of caution though, know your limits and don’t overpush yourself.

Idea 3: Use cooling equipment

This is my favorite idea because with all the football equipment on its hard for your body to keep you cool. You can feel like your in a furnace. BluSol Heat Shield Inserts are there to help. From your football cleats to your helmet, it will get hot. BluSol Heat Shield Inserts are used by athletes everywhere and perform better with these insets.

From Monday Night, Friday Night, and Saturday games be the best athlete you can be and be comfortable doing it. Remember to fight the heat and let’s play some football!

Soccer player

How to Become a Better Athlete

By Athletes No Comments

How to Become a Better Athlete

Everyone who plays sports can relate to the feeling of always wanting to improve. Whether it is important physically or mentally, it can be challenging at time. Here at 3 simple steps to help you become a better athlete. 

Step 1: Train with people who challenge you. 

Training with people who challenge you both physically and mentally helps you grow and reach your goals faster. Find someone to train with that is not afraid to push you to your limits. Try avoiding training with people who give up easily or don’t push themselves.  Bart Brooks once said, “If you’re not being challenged, you’re not getting any better.” 

Step 2: Find comfortable gear to train and play in. 

Every athlete knows that find good gear is extremely important when trying to play your best game. Find clothing that is not only comfortable but also beneficial to your game. Strikesol Heat Sheild shoe inserts, for example, keep the player’s feet cool throughout the game, so they can play their best and stay comfortable throughout the whole game. Find clothing that is breathable. Shirts, shorts, and socks that allow air to flow will also help you feel comfortable and play at your peak performance. 

Step 3: Learn from your loses to become a better athlete.

If every game there is a winner and a loser. But like Ascertain Solo said, “Every winner, once a loser.” Learn from your loses. What could you have done better in that game? How can you help your team or yourself improve for the next game? If you learn from your lost games and never give up, you are in fact a winner. 

If you follow these three steps, you are sure to become a better athlete. Just make sure to never give up, always try harder, and find ways to improve not only your game but your teams game. 

construction worker

Summer Asphalt & Burnt Feet

By Construction Workers No Comments

Summer Asphalt & Burnt Feet

Every summer there are to thing you can count on. More working outside, and hot asphalt. Every year, thousands of people across the country suffer from 1st & 2nd-degree burns due to hot asphalt.

In some places such as Arizona, asphalt can get as hot at 220-degree Fahrenheit! So what do people who outside all day do to keep their feet from burning? It’s something most people don’t think.

When working outside job, such as construction,  you are required to wear heavy hot boots, as well as work on extremely hot asphalt, concrete, and other materials. Even with top quality boots, the heat from the ground will slowly make its way into your boots.

After 4-5 hours of working, a construction worker can have an average of 35-45-degree increase in the temperature inside of their shoes! So what do workers do to keep their feet cool and safe from burns?

Strikesol’s Heat Sheild Inserts have been tested on these type of conditions, and have shown to decrease the temperature inside of a worker’s shoes by an average of 32-degrees Fahrenheit! That enough of a decrease to protect the bottoms of your feet from getting burned by the hot ground.

Father’s Day is coming up, and we can all think of someone who works outside on their feet throughout the summer. Why not give them something that will not only protect their feet this summer but will also keep them cool through their long work hours?

Pick up your pair of Strikesol Heat Sheild Inserts today!

SoccerToday Strikesol Blog

By Soccer No Comments

We are very excited that more people are taking about Strikesol Heat Sheild Inserts. Check out what SoccerToday had to say!


Insert Strikesol into Soccer Cleats, Play on Turf and Have Happy Feet

While injury prevention is not always on the top of every coach’s list, for anyone who has ever played or coached on turf in the heat, the pain of heat blisters is real. Blistered toes can be a nightmare. The consequences are real and can shackle the performance of an elite player. One coach decided this problem had to be solved.

If anyone you know has ever played in the heat on a turf field, you will immediately appreciate the value of BluSol.

The heat rising from the turf field, the intense burning of little toes, the blisters that can appear moments after the cleats and socks come off — there is a clear need for BluSol.


Ever watch a soccer player take of his or her cleats and see heat blisters on 8 out of 10 toes and know they have practice in a couple of days followed by another match soon? Then, add to the situation that many elite players are hyper-concerned when considering placing anything in their cleats that could possibly impede peak performance.

The Strikesol Heat Shield is a product that was developed to solve a problem.


How to solve this problem? It took a highly experienced soccer coach and a lot of testing to come up with a solution that works.


The founder of Strikesol is Rob Becerra, the Senior Director of Coaching at Surf SC based in San Diego but finding a solution to blistering toes started long before coming to Southern California.

Interview with Rob Becerra, Founder Strikesol

Diane Scavuzzo: How did Strikesol begin?

Rob Becerra: When I was coaching at Stanford and directing the Palo Alto Soccer Club, we played our games on turf.

I watched my players burn their feet playing on the turf and searched for solutions, but nothing really worked, and yes, we tried foil.

At that point, I started looking at technology for solutions. When I went to work for U.S. Soccer, the project was put on hold but not forgotten. When my kids started playing soccer seriously and complaining, I looked into solutions again.

Diane Scavuzzo: Did you find a solution available on the market? And who helped you?

Rob Becerra: No, I did a web search and found a few things. I tried them out myself and nothing worked so I decided it is time to take matters into my own hands.

I started buying and testing out any material that helped prevent or minimize the transference of heat — I reviewed materials that were fire retardant and had a reflective property.

Strikesol is a life project with a purpose — and, everyone in my family is involved.

Everyone has pitched in with support and help and this is truly a family adventure.

When I say everyone, I mean everyone.  Parents, uncles, aunts, wife, kids, cousins, long-time friends, extended family, and former players have jumped in to help make BluSol happen.

Strikesol Heat Shield

Diane Scavuzzo: What did you do?

Rob Becerra: I tested everything myself first. I would put these materials in my shoe and see if they were comfortable and durable.


If it felt ok, I would continue the practical testing and test it on the turf to determine how well it blocked the heat. Eventually, I created the Strikesol lab.


We put the soles in soccer players shoes, lacrosse players, football players, tennis players, runners, firemen, policemen, soldiers and construction workers. I wanted to know how the heat shields performed under many conditions and what different people of all ages thought.

After 19 attempts at the Strikesol Heat Shield, I found a material that worked.  It prevents burning feet, is easy to install, fits all sizes up to men’s 14, does not alter shoe size and is pliable so you can use it with any type of shoe or current insole.


Diane Scavuzzo: Can you just replace your cleat’s insole with Strikesol?

Rob Becerra: Strikesol is not an insole and was not designed to replace the insole.

Strikesol sticks to the insole so it doesn’t move in the cleat.

It is super thin but powerful. Comfort and protection — most players don’t feel Strikesol, and they don’t feel the burning heat coming off the turf.


Rob Becerra

In Five Easy Steps:

  • Take your current sole out of your shoe or cleat.
  • Trace around the Strikesol Heat Shield Insert.
  • Cut to customize the fit.
  • The Strikesol Heat shields are designed to adhere to the bottom of your existing cleat’s insole. Just peel and stick Strikesol to the bottom of your insole.
  • Insert Strikesol into your cleat — that is it!

In Brief – The benefits of Strikesol Heat Shields:

  • No more heat blisters.
  • Temperature Regulating Technology.
  • One Size Fits All.
  • Shoe size is not altered.
  • Durability — Will outlast your shoe.
  • Over 30-degree differential from the surface to the cleat.
  • Even protects against cold harsh elements.

For more information go to – Strikesol is also available on Amazon for $24.95.

Brady Elliott- SIM Science & Engineering Fair, Gold Winner

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Brady Elliott- SIM Science & Engineering Fair, Gold Winner


   Brady Elliott is an 8th grader who has a passion for both science and soccer. Brady has been in the US’s DA Soccer program since he was 8, and has practiced on synthetic turf every day. For Brady’s 8th-grade science fair project, he decided to combine the two things he loved most, and chose to do his project on a solution to an issue he and his teammates had to deal with every year. Turn burns and blisters.

   For his science project, Brady chose a couple of different materials he believed would help reduce the heat player experience when playing on turf. Some of these materials were tin foil, engine heat shield material, and even Strikesol Heat Sheild Inserts. To his amazing, Strikesol Heat Sheild Inserts performed better than any of the other material Brady had experimented on. To read more about Brady’s testimonial, visit our blog post, How to Keep Your Kids Feet Safe From Turn Burn.

   After completing his science fair project, Brady wanted to present it to more people. Brady received 1st place at his middle school science fair, then 1st place at Snowline Joint Unified School District, Gold at the SIM Science & Engineering Fair (San Bernardino County), and also received The Broadcom Masters Award & the Lemelson Early Inventor Prize.

Brady’s mother stated:

“You’ll notice Brady is in his soccer uniform in the pictures because he refuses to miss practice, so he rushed to the awards assembly after practice just making it to the last award.”

   Brady’s passion for soccer and science paid off. We are so excited and happy for Brady and his accomplishment. We wish him the best as he moves on to the Stae of California’s Science and Engineering competition on April 29th.

soccer gear

What to Pack in Your Child’s Soccer Bag?

By Soccer No Comments

What to Pack in Your Child’s Soccer Bag?

Soccer season is right around the corner, and its time to get your kids bag together. Here are six things every soccer player needs in their bag this season.

  1. Waterbottle

Staying hydrated is important when playing any type of sport. Getting your kids to drink their water can be a challenge. Try adding flavor packs they will enjoy, to help get them excited about drinking their water. Having more than one water bottle is always a good idea. You never want to run out of water on a hot day.

2. Snacks

Everyone gets a little snacky after playing on the field all day. Make sure to pack healthy and delicious snacks to fuel your player after a long practice, game, or scrimmage.

       3. Extra Socks, Shorts, Jerseys, Shoes, and Shin Guards

It’s always a good idea to keep some extra socks, shorts, jerseys, and shin guards in your child’s soccer bag. You never know when you might need them. Have an extra pair of shoes your child to change into after a game, with also help preserve the bottom of their cleats.

4. Strikesol Heat Sheild Inserts

Every year, thousands of kids come home with blisters, burns, and peeling skin on their feet, after a long soccer game on hot turf. BluSol Heat Shield Inserts protect your child’s feet from burns, blister, and peeling skin on their feet, but protecting their feet from the burning turf. BluSol Inserts can reduce hot turf temperatures by an average of 32 degrees!

5. Cleats

No parent wants to forget their child’s cleats. Try to get your child in the habit of putting their cleats back into their bag after every game. This is another reason why it is a good idea to keep extra shoes in their bag for them to change into.

6. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is super important when kids are playing in the sun all day. Make sure to have extra sunscreen, because this is something you never want to run out of.


Hopefully, this helps you pack your child’s soccer bag and be prepared for their new season. Now that you have the essentials packed and ready to go, you are all set to sit back, relax, and enjoy the game! Don’t forget to pack yourself a little bag with some snacks, sunscreen, and water too!